Fig. 2.
Demographic history of pumas. a Mitochondrial maximum likelihood phylogeny of the ten pumas in this study plus an additional puma from Big Cypress (KP202261.1) and the African cheetah (KP202271.1) as the outgroup. We calculated divergence times by determining the number of pairwise divergences between sequences and used a mitochondrial divergence rate of 1.15% bp per Myr7,57. We estimate a common maternal ancestor of these pumas 278,000 ± 5,639 years ago (star; 100% bootstrap support), divergence between North American and South American mitochondrial lineages 201,000 ± 1952 years ago (pentagon; 63% bootstrap support), and a common maternal ancestor of North American pumas 21,000 ± 10,412 years ago (circle; 100% bootstrap support). b Inferred changes in effective population size (Ne) over time using the pairwise sequentially Markovian coalescent (PSMC) model29 for the ten pumas. We assume a generation time of 5 years and a per generation mutation rate of 0.5e-8 per bp per generation61. The PSMC model for EVG21 shows a sharp increase in inferred Ne that is probably attributable to its hybrid ancestry31.