Figure 10.
Carbonate δ13C (left) and δ18O (right) values of micro-drilled samples from the Algal Dolomite Member, Dengying Formation, at the Gaojiashan section. (A-D) Freshly cut dolostone slabs showing authigenic crystal fans. A and B also illustrated in Fig. 4A–F; C and D also illustrated in Fig. 4G–I. Although all samples have been dolomitized, relic fabrics of aragonite are retained. (E-F) Freshly cut dolostone slabs showing thrombolite matrix, botryoidal dolomite, isopachous cements, and late-stage dolomite cements. Note the relatively high δ18Ocarb values in the aragonite crystal fans (−0.9‰ in A and −1.8‰ in C) and the relatively low δ18Ocarb values in the late-stage coarse dolomite cements (−9.2‰ in A and −9.0‰ in E).