Table 6.
Relationship between Medical Liability Immunity and Various Health Care Quality Metrics among Full Inpatient Sample
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | |
Incidence of Mortality within 90 Days of Discharge (Coefficients Multiplied by 100) | Incidence of Mortality within 1 Year of Discharge (Coefficients Multiplied by 100) | Incidence of Unplanned Hospital Readmission Within 30 Days (Coefficients Multiplied by 100) | Incidence of Patient Safety indicator (Coefficients Multiplied by 100) | |
Active Duty Patient | 0.11 (0.04) |
0.07 (0.06) |
−0.48 (0.10) |
0.13 (0.06) |
Active Duty Patient X MTF |
−0.03 (0.06) |
0.02 (0.10) |
−0.35 (0.15) |
0.06 (0.08) |
95% Confidence Interval for Interaction Variable | [−0.16, 0.08] | [−0.17, 0.23] | [−0.65, −0.06] | [−0.10, 0.23] |
95% Confidence Interval as Fraction of Mean of Outcome Variable | [−0.33, 0.17] | [−0.19, 0.26] | [−0.16, −0.01] | [−0.06, 0.13] |
N | 2201771 | 2201771 | 2002653 | 2331195 |
Notes: robust standard errors corrected tor within-catchment-area correlation in the error term are reported in parentheses (based on original catchment area designations). All regressions include year, primary diagnosis code, hospital and zip-code fixed effects and controls for patient age (dummies), sex, Charlson comorbidity and paygrade (dummies). MTF and Active-Duty-Patient X MTF are instrumented by a series of dummy variables capturing different distance bins between a patient’s residence and the closest MTF along with the interaction between such dummies and the active-duty-patient dummy. The coefficient of the MTF indicator is dropped due to the inclusion of provider fixed effects. The mortality specifications exclude observations from 2013 to provide time to follow patients post discharge. The readmissions analysis is subject to certain sample restrictions following the readmissions coding criteria of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.