Table 7.
Relationship between Medical Liability Immunity and Treatment Intensity (Relative Weighted Product, Logged), Separately for States with and without Damages Caps
(1) | (2) | ||
State-Year Cells Without Caps (Higher Liability Pressure States) | State-Year Cells With Caps (Lower Liability Pressure States) | All States | |
Active Duty Patient | 0.035 (0.004) |
0.035 (0.004) |
0.035 (0.007) |
Active Duty Patient X MTF |
−0.065 (0.007) |
−0.044 (0.005) |
−0.065 (0.011) |
Active Duty Patient X MTF X Incidence of Damages Cap | - | - |
0.021 (0.012) |
N | 638037 | 1389595 | 2027632 |
Notes: robust standard errors corrected for within-catchment-area correlation in the error term are reported in parentheses. The estimated coefficients of the caps indicator and its interaction with MTF and with the active-duty patient indicator are not shown for purposes of brevity. All regressions include year fixed effects, primary diagnosis code fixed effects, hospital fixed effects, zip-code fixed effects and controls for patient age (dummies), sex, Charlson comorbidity and paygrade (dummies). MTF and Active-Duty-Patient X MTF are instrumented by a series of dummy variables capturing different distance bins between a patient’s residence and the closest MTF along with the interaction between such dummies and the active-duty-patient dummy. The coefficient of the MTF indicator is dropped due to the inclusion of provider fixed effects.