Living situation: |
1. Current marital status
0.5691 |
currently married and living with spouse (0) |
married but not living with spouse (0.5) |
divorced/widowed/never married(1) |
2. Co-residence
0.2204 |
with household member(s) (0)/alone (1) |
Social support: |
3. Can get adequate medical service when you are sick
0.0323 |
yes (0)/no (1) |
4. Social service level in your community (5 levels)
0.8013 |
very good (0)/good (0.25)/so so (0.5)/bad (0.75)/very bad(1) |
5. Residence
0.7019 |
city (0)/town (0.5)/rural (1) |
6. Feel need more home visits
0.8272 |
yes (1)/no (0) |
7. Feel need more social and recreation activities
0.6433 |
yes (1)/no (0) |
8. Feel need more neighboring relations
0.6419 |
yes (1)/no (0) |
Socially oriented Activities of Daily Living: |
9. Visit your neighbors by yourself
0.1384 |
yes, independently (0)/yes, but need some help (0.5)/no, can’t (1) |
10. Go shopping by yourself
0.2266 |
yes, independently (0)/yes, but need some help (0.5)/no, can’t (1) |
11. Walk continuously for 1 kilometer at a time by yourself
0.3163 |
yes, independently (0)/yes, but need some help (0.5)/no, can’t (1) |
12. Take public transportation by yourself
0.3723 |
yes, independently (0)/yes, but need some help (0.5)/no, can’t (1) |
Social engagement and leisure: |
13. Tours beyond home city/county have you made in the past two years
0.9913 |
Normalize data to 0–1 number |
14. Garden work
0.8055 |
almost everyday (0)/once for a week (0.25)/at least once for a month (0.5) |
/not monthly, but sometimes (0.75)/never (1) |
15. Play cards or mah-jong
0.8635 |
almost everyday (0)/once for a week (0.25)/at least once for a month (0.5) |
/not monthly, but sometimes (0.75)/never (1) |
16. Social activities (organized)
0.9177 |
almost everyday (0)/once for a week (0.25)/at least once for a month (0.5) |
/not monthly, but sometimes (0.75)/never (1) |
Empowerment, life control: |
17. Make your own decisions concerning your personal affairs
0.3064 |
always (0)/often (0.25)/sometimes (0.5)/seldom (0.75)/never (1) |
18. Feel that you are a person of worth at least equal to others
0.4443 |
always (0)/often (0.25)/sometimes (0.5)/seldom (0.75)/never (1) |
19. Take a positive attitude towards yourself
0.2835 |
always (0)/often (0.25)/sometimes (0.5)/seldom (0.75)/never (1) |
20. Status of decision making on financial spending in your household
0.4923 |
almost all spending in my household (0) |
some of the main spending in my household (0.25) |
some of the non-main spending in my household (0.5) |
only on own spending (0.75) |
cannot make decisions on any spending (1) |
Socio-economic status: |
21. Total income of your household last year continuous
0.6206 |
Normalize data to 0–1 number |
22. All of the financial support is sufficient to pay for daily expenses
0.1712 |
yes (0)/no (1) |
23. Rate your economic status compared with other local people
0.4844 |
very rich (0)/rich (0.25)/so so (0.5)/poor (0.75)/very poor (1) |
24. Educational attainment
0.8708 |
Normalize data to 0-1 number |
25. Occupation
0.9121 |
white-collar (0)/non-white-collar (1) |