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. 2019 Sep 30;16(19):3684. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16193684

Table 1.

Items of the Social Vulnerability.

Living situation:
1. Current marital status 0.5691
currently married and living with spouse (0)
married but not living with spouse (0.5)
divorced/widowed/never married(1)
2. Co-residence 0.2204
with household member(s) (0)/alone (1)
Social support:
3. Can get adequate medical service when you are sick 0.0323
yes (0)/no (1)
4. Social service level in your community (5 levels) 0.8013
very good (0)/good (0.25)/so so (0.5)/bad (0.75)/very bad(1)
5. Residence 0.7019
city (0)/town (0.5)/rural (1)
6. Feel need more home visits 0.8272
yes (1)/no (0)
7. Feel need more social and recreation activities 0.6433
yes (1)/no (0)
8. Feel need more neighboring relations 0.6419
yes (1)/no (0)
Socially oriented Activities of Daily Living:
9. Visit your neighbors by yourself 0.1384
yes, independently (0)/yes, but need some help (0.5)/no, can’t (1)
10. Go shopping by yourself 0.2266
yes, independently (0)/yes, but need some help (0.5)/no, can’t (1)
11. Walk continuously for 1 kilometer at a time by yourself 0.3163
yes, independently (0)/yes, but need some help (0.5)/no, can’t (1)
12. Take public transportation by yourself 0.3723
yes, independently (0)/yes, but need some help (0.5)/no, can’t (1)
Social engagement and leisure:
13. Tours beyond home city/county have you made in the past two years 0.9913
Normalize data to 0–1 number
14. Garden work 0.8055
almost everyday (0)/once for a week (0.25)/at least once for a month (0.5)
/not monthly, but sometimes (0.75)/never (1)
15. Play cards or mah-jong 0.8635
almost everyday (0)/once for a week (0.25)/at least once for a month (0.5)
/not monthly, but sometimes (0.75)/never (1)
16. Social activities (organized) 0.9177
almost everyday (0)/once for a week (0.25)/at least once for a month (0.5)
/not monthly, but sometimes (0.75)/never (1)
Empowerment, life control:
17. Make your own decisions concerning your personal affairs 0.3064
always (0)/often (0.25)/sometimes (0.5)/seldom (0.75)/never (1)
18. Feel that you are a person of worth at least equal to others 0.4443
always (0)/often (0.25)/sometimes (0.5)/seldom (0.75)/never (1)
19. Take a positive attitude towards yourself 0.2835
always (0)/often (0.25)/sometimes (0.5)/seldom (0.75)/never (1)
20. Status of decision making on financial spending in your household 0.4923
almost all spending in my household (0)
some of the main spending in my household (0.25)
some of the non-main spending in my household (0.5)
only on own spending (0.75)
cannot make decisions on any spending (1)
Socio-economic status:
21. Total income of your household last year continuous 0.6206
Normalize data to 0–1 number
22. All of the financial support is sufficient to pay for daily expenses 0.1712
yes (0)/no (1)
23. Rate your economic status compared with other local people 0.4844
very rich (0)/rich (0.25)/so so (0.5)/poor (0.75)/very poor (1)
24. Educational attainment 0.8708
Normalize data to 0-1 number
25. Occupation 0.9121
white-collar (0)/non-white-collar (1)