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. 2010 Oct 18;36(ACS-10):1–24. doi: 10.14745/ccdr.v36i00a10

Table 8. Summary of Findings From 2-Dose Varicella Vaccination Clinical Trials.

Author, (Year) Study design Outcomes and results
Kuter et al. (2004) (36) Design: Randomized control trial
N=2,196 children age ≥12 months to 12 years
n= 1,103 (1 dose of vaccine) (mean age 3.6 years range 1 year–12.9 years)
n= 1,093 (2 doses of vaccine) (mean age 3.9 years range 1 year–12.9 years)
(Oka/Merck Varivax®)
Participants enrolled Dec. 1991–Jan. 1993
Setting: 18 multi-centre sites
Inclusion criteria
Healthy children 12 months to 12 years with no history of varicella and/or zoster
Exclusion criteria
Significant exposure to varicella or zoster (>1 hour of contact indoors) in the 4 weeks before entry into the study; received another vaccination within a month before or planning to receive another vaccine during the month after injection; or received any blood products during preceding 3 months. Also excluded if history of anaphylactoid reaction to neomycin, known immune deficiency or neoplastic disease or depressed immunity from disease or drugs
Administration of either 1 dose or 2 doses of vaccine (2nd dose three months after 1st) containing 2,900-9,000 PFUs of attenuated Oka/Merck Varivax®
Outcomes analyzed:
• Persistence of varicella antibodies (as measured by gpELISA, titers ≥ 5 considered positive)
• Lab-confirmed varicella cases occurring >42 days post-vaccination (acute and convalescent titers were ≥200 gpELISA units/ml)
• Suspect case if there was a 4-fold rise between acute and convalescent samples and at least one titer was between 50 and 199 gpELISA units/ml
• Vaccine efficacy based on person-years at risk to calculate annual and cumulative breakthrough disease; only subjects actively followed as of March 2002 by questionnaire and/or annual blood sample contribute estimate
10 years of follow-up with measurements taken each year
Variable 1-dose regimen 2-dose regimen
No. of varicella cases 60 17
Median days duration of rash (range) 4 (1–18) 5 (1–14)
Median of the daily maximum # of lesions (range) 26 (2–272) 20 (2–100)
% with >50 lesions 22.8 18.8
% with 1 or more vesicle 77.2 68.8
Median of the daily maximum no. of vesicles (range) 13 (1–272) 5 (1–80)
% with temperature ≥ 38.9○C, oral equivalent 2.4 0
Vaccine efficacy (1 dose vs. 2 doses)
94.4% (95% CI: 92.9-95.7), 98.3% (95% CI: 97.3-99.0) p<.001
Risk of developing varicella >42 days post-vaccination during 10-year period was 3.3 fold lower in children receiving 2 doses as opposed to one (p< .001)
VE for prevention of varicella after household exposure (1 vs. 2 doses)
90.2% (95% CI: 83.7-96.7) vs. 96.4% (95% CI:92.4-100) p=0.112
Persistence of varicella antibody (gpELISA) 1 to 9 years post-vaccination
1-dose regimen 2-dose regimen (0 and 3 mos.)
Time post-vaccination N Persistence rate (%) % ≥5 gpELISA units/ml GMT N Persistence rate (%) % ≥5 gpELISA units/ml GMT
6 wk. 881 NA 85.7 12.5 768 NA 99.6 142.6
1 yr. 657 100 86.9 20.8 588 99.8 97.4 32.0
2 yr. 384 100 90.9 23.6 318 100 95.0 24.6
3 yr. 458 99.8 93.2 44.7 398 100 98.2 50.9
4 yr 452 99.6 92.0 45.3 395 100 92.9 36.8
5 yr. 400 100 95.5 50.3 376 100 98.1 44.3
6 yr. 399 99.7 93.7 49.5 392 100 96.7 49.7
7 yr. 424 100 94.3 54.2 392 100 96.2 54.2
8 yr. 381 100 94.5 56.5 347 99.1 96.0 52.8
9 yr. 277 99.6 95.3 57.8 237 99.6 97.0 61.0