Contact-guided domain parsing and fold-recognition allows accurate modeling. A, Based on the contact map, T0886 was parsed into three domains (green, orange and grey; green is a discontinuous domain). Here, we focus on the first two N-terminal domains (green and orange). Most of the third C-terminal domain (grey) was not present in the crystal structure, hence is not evaluated here. The partial threads from the top 5 map_align hits are shown for the two domains. B, Comparing the model (top) to native (bottom) structure. Each domain is superpositioned into the corresponding native domains for illustration. C, Based on the contact map (trimmed to 100–310), the initial parsing of two domains (green and orange; also green is a discontinuous domain) are shown. Each of these domains were modeled separately and then refined as a whole. D, Comparing the model (top) to native (bottom). One of the sheets (indicated with black arrow) was incorrectly predicted. The partial threads from the top 5 map-align hits are shown in the orange box