The ARC is preserved in DicerCKO mice. A, Tomato reporter-positive cells in the ARC of tdTomato/Dicerfl/fl (DicerCKO) or tdTomato/Dicer+/fl (control) animals on the background of CaMKCreERT2 6 weeks after TAM treatment in the ARC. B, Quantification of TUNEL-positive cells in the ARC of the DicerCKO mice at 6 weeks after TAM treatment in relation to the same area of striatal tissue of the neurodegeneration model mice used as a positive control (Kreiner et al., 2013). C, D, Quantification (C) and representative microphotographs (D) of the POMC-positive neurons number in ARC of POMC-GFP transgenic mice on the background of DicerCKO or control lineages 12 weeks post-TAM (n = 2). E, To visualize nuclear Cre, all mice received three additional injections of TAM 28, 24, and 6 h before being killed. F, While prominent decline in Cre immunosignal was observed in the hippocampus (9 months after initial TAM treatment), no apparent decrease in a number of Cre-positive neurons occurred in ARC and adjacent hypothalamic regions. G, Representative staining for Cre recombinase in DicerCKO mice initially injected by oil (control, left, n = 3) or TAM (right, n = 5) shown in F. 3V, Third ventricle of the brain. Scale bars: A, 50 μm: D, 40 μm; G, 500 μm.