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. 2019 Oct 17;11:113–126. doi: 10.2147/OPTO.S217639

Table 2.

Prospective Clinical Trials For IPL Therapy In DED

Study (Year) Design Patients (n) IPL Device Frequency (Weeks) IPL Sessions (n) IPL Energy (J/cm2) Adverse Events Results
Ahmed et al (2019)87 Prospective controlled 12 Philips Lumea / 1 2,5–6,5 No Improved tear protein and lipid content and composition
Albietz et al (2017)30 Prospective noncomparative 26 E>Eye 0-2-6 3 9,8–13 No Improved DE symptoms, MG secretion quality, expressibility and ocular surface inflammation
Arita et al (2018)22 Prospective noncomparative 31 Lumenis 3 4–8 11–14 / Improved SPEED, TBUT, CFS and MB parameters
Arita et al (2019)21 Prospective controlled randomized 45 Lumenis 3 8 11–14 No Improved LLT, TBUT, lid margin abnormalities and MGS
Choi et al (2019)23 Prospective noncomparative 30 Lumenis 3 3 12–14 No Improved MG function, tear stability and decreased inflammation (IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-17A, TNF-α)
Dell et al (2017)24 Prospective interventional noncomparative 40 Lumenis 3 4 / / Increased TBUT
Improved SPEED, MGS, CFS and TFO
Guilloto et al (2017)31 Prospective noncomparative 36 E>Eye 2 4 8–20 Redness and light sensitivity Improved TBUT, Schirmer test and lacrimal meniscus
Jiang et al (2016)29 Prospective 40 E>Eye 0-2-6-10 4 9,8–13 No Improved TBUT, conjunctival injection, symptoms and MG parameters.
Karaca et al (2018)85 Prospective noncomparative 26 E>Eye 0-2-6 3 / No Improved TBUT, Schirmer test, OSDI score and SPEED
Li et al (2019)25 Prospective comparative 40 Lumenis 0-2-6 3 14–16 Erythema, edema, blister, purpura, hyperpigmentation Improved TBUT and OSDI score.
Seo et al (2018)26 Prospective noncomparative non-randomized 17 Lumenis 3 4 11 No Long-term improvement of lower lid margin vascularity, meibum expressibility, quality and symptoms. Improved TBUT, CFS.
Vigo et al (2019)79 Prospective noncomparative 19 E>Eye 0-2-6 3 9–13 / Increased TBUT and LLT
Yin et al (2017)27 Prospective comparative 35 Lumenis 4 3 16–17 No Increased TBUT, meibum quality, MG expressibility and dropout.
Improved MG microstructure and decreased inflammation

Abbreviations: DE, dry eye; MG, meibomian glands; TBUT, tear break-up time; SPEED, standard patient evaluation of eye dryness; MGS, meibomian gland score; CFS, corneal fluorescein staining; TFO, tear film osmolarity; LLG, improved lipid layer grade; LLT, lipid layer thickness; OSDI, ocular surface disease index; MGYSS, meibomian gland yielding secretion score.