Table 5.
Quantitative linguistic measures derived with CLAN from CHAT transcriptions.
Quantitative linguistic measure | How the measure was calculated |
Anomia (phw) | Utterance terminators +… and +..? for abandoned utterances, postcode [+es] for empty speech, codes (.), (..) and (…) for unfilled pauses, and &ah, &eh, &ew, &hm, &mm, &uh, &uhm, and &um for filled pauses were summed using FREQ, divided by the number of words, and multiplied by 100. |
Abandoned utterances (phw) | Utterance terminators +… and +..? for abandoned utterances were summed using FREQ and expressed per hundred words as above. |
Empty speech (phw) | Postcode [+es] for empty speech. |
Semantic errors (phw) | Word-level error codes [*s:r], [*s:ur], [*s:uk], and [*s:per]. |
Phonological errors (phw) | Word-level error codes [*p:w], [*p:m], and [*p:n]. |
Neologisms (phw) | Word-level error codes [*n:k] and [*n:uk]. |
Jargon (phw) | Word-level error codes [*s] for semantic errors, [*p] for phonological errors, and [*n] for neologistic errors, and postcode [+jar] for jargon. |
Mean length of utterance (morphemes) | Calculated using EVAL. Revisions, fillers, and unintelligible utterances were excluded. |
Bound morphemes (proportion) | %mor tier codes for bound morphemes (plurals, 3S, 1S/3S, PAST, PASTP, PRESP) and free morphemes (nouns, verbs, auxiliaries, prepositions, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, determiners/articles, pronouns) were summed using EVAL, then the number of bound morphemes was divided by the total number of bound and free morphemes. |
Closed class words (proportion) | %mor tier codes for closed class words (auxiliaries, prepositions, conjunctions, determiners/articles, pronouns) and open class words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) were summed using EVAL, then the number of closed class words was divided by the total number of open and closed class words. |
Pronouns (proportion) | %mor line codes for nouns and pronouns were summed using EVAL, then the number of pronouns was divided by the total number of nouns and pronouns. |
Agrammatic utterances (phw) | Postcode [+gram] was summed using FREQ and expressed per hundred words. |
Pauses (phw) | Codes (.), (..) and (…) for unfilled pauses, and &ah, &eh, &ew, &hm, &mm, &uh, &uhm, and &um for filled pauses. |
Words per minute | Calculated using EVAL based on time-stamped codes embedded in the transcript files. |
Retraced sequences (phw) | Codes [/] [//] for retracings. |
False starts (phw) | Words beginning with &, except for those denoting gestures (identified manually) or filled pauses (enumerated above). |
Unintelligible sequences (phw) | Words coded as xxx. |
Note. phw = per hundred words.