Type of Operation | ICD-9 Procedure Code | ICD-9 Description |
Appendectomy | ||
47.09 | Other appendectomy | |
47.01 | Laparoscopic appendectomy | |
Cholecystectomy | ||
51.21 | Other partial cholecystectomy | |
51.22 | Cholecystectomy | |
51.23 | Laparoscopic cholecystectomy | |
51.24 | Laparoscopic partial cholecystectomy | |
Colectomy | ||
17.31 | Laparoscopic multiple segmental resection of large intestine | |
17.32 | Laparoscopic cecectomy | |
17.33 | Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy | |
17.34 | Laparoscopic resection of transverse colon | |
17.35 | Laparoscopic left hemicolectomy | |
17.36 | Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy | |
17.39 | Other laparoscopic partial excision of large intestine | |
45.71 | Other and open multiple segmental resection of large intestine | |
45.72 | Other and open cecectomy | |
45.73 | Other and open right hemicolectomy | |
45.74 | Other and open resection of transverse colon | |
45.75 | Other and open left hemicolectomy | |
45.76 | Other and open sigmoidectomy | |
45.79 | Other and unspecified partial excision of large intestine | |
45.81 | Laparoscopic total intra-abdominal colectomy | |
45.82 | Open total intra-abdominal colectomy | |
45.83 | Other and unspecified total intra-abdominal colectomy | |
Inguinal and femoral hernia repair | ||
17.11 | Laparoscopic repair of direct inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis | |
17.12 | Laparoscopic repair of indirect inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis | |
17.13 | Laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis, not otherwise specified | |
17.21 | Laparoscopic bilateral repair of direct inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis | |
17.22 | Laparoscopic bilateral repair of indirect inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis | |
17.23 | Laparoscopic bilateral repair of inguinal hernia, one direct and one indirect, with graft or prosthesis | |
17.24 | Laparoscopic bilateral repair of inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis, not otherwise specified | |
53.00 | Unilateral repair of inguinal hernia, not otherwise specified | |
53.01 | Other and open repair of direct inguinal hernia | |
53.02 | Other and open repair of indirect inguinal hernia | |
53.03 | Other and open repair of direct inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis | |
53.04 | Other and open repair of indirect inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis | |
53.05 | Unilateral repair of inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis, not otherwise specified | |
53.10 | Bilateral repair of inguinal hernia, not otherwise specified | |
53.11 | Other and open bilateral repair of direct inguinal hernia | |
53.12 | Other and open bilateral repair of indirect inguinal hernia | |
53.13 | Other and open bilateral repair of inguinal hernia, one direct and one indirect | |
53.14 | Other and open bilateral repair of direct inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis | |
53.15 | Other and open bilateral repair of indirect inguinal hernia with graft or prosthesis | |
53.16 | Other and open bilateral repair of inguinal hernia, one direct and one indirect, with graft or prosthesis | |
53.17 | Bilateral inguinal hernia repair with graft or prosthesis, not otherwise specified | |
53.21 | Unilateral repair of femoral hernia with graft or prosthesis | |
53.29 | Other unilateral femoral hemiorrhaphy | |
53.31 | Bilateral repair of femoral hernia with graft or prosthesis | |
53.39 | Other bilateral femoral hemiorrhaphy | |
Lysis of adhesions | ||
54.51 | Laparoscopic lysis of peritoneal adhesions | |
54.59 | Other lysis of peritoneal adhesions | |
Necrotizing soft tissue infection debridement | ||
54.3 | Excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of abdominal wall or umbilicus | |
61.3 | Excision or destruction of lesion or tissue of scrotum | |
71.3 | Other local excision or destruction of vulva and perineum | |
83.39 | Excision of lesion of other soft tissue | |
83.44 | Other fasciectomy | |
83.45 | Other myectomy | |
86.22 | Excisional debridement of wound, infection, or burn | |
Repair perforated viscus | ||
44.41 | Suture of gastric ulcer site | |
44.42 | Suture of duodenal ulcer site | |
Small bowel resection | ||
45.61 | Multiple segmental resection of small intestine | |
45.62 | Other partial resection of small intestine | |
Umbilical hernia repair | ||
53.41 | Other and open repair of umbilical hernia with graft or prosthesis | |
53.42 | Laparoscopic repair of umbilical hernia with graft or prosthesis | |
53.43 | Other laparoscopic umbilical herniorrhaphy | |
53.49 | Other open umbilical herniorrhaphy | |
Ventral hernia repair | ||
53.51 | Incisional hernia repair | |
53.59 | Repair of other hernia of anterior abdominal wall | |
53.61 | Other open incisional hernia repair with graft or prosthesis | |
53.62 | Laparoscopic incisional hernia repair with graft or prosthesis | |
53.63 | Other laparoscopic repair of other hernia of anterior abdominal wall with graft or prosthesis | |
53.69 | Other and open repair of other hernia of anterior abdominal wall with graft or prosthesis |
ICD-9 indicates International Classification of Disease, 9th Edition.