In situ detection of TSWV-interacting proteins (TIPs) in first-instar larvae of F. occidentalis. Synchronized first-instar larvae (0 to 17 h old) were kept on a 7% sucrose solution for 3 h to clean their guts from plant tissues. These larvae were then dissected and immunolabeled using specific antibodies against each TIP, as indicated. Thrips tissues incubated with preimmune mouse serum are depicted here. Confocal microscopy detection of green fluorescence (Alexa Fluor 488) represents the localization of each TIP, red represents Alexa Fluor 594-labeled actin, and blue represents DAPI-labeled nuclei. TIPs were mainly localized at the foregut (FG), midgut (MG), which includes epithelial cells and visceral muscle (VM), principal salivary glands (PSG), tubular salivary glands (TSG), and Malpighian tubules (MT). All scale bars = 50 μm.