FIG 6.
Deletion of fyuA in AIEC promotes profibrotic host responses preceding fibrosis development. (A) Heat map of log2 normalized counts of genes in the ECM-receptor interaction KEGG pathway in NC- and ΔfyuA mutant-colonized Il10−/− mice at 5 weeks. (B to D) Relative colonic transcript levels of Col1a1 (B), Fn1 (C), and Tgfbr2 (D) in Il10−/− mice monoassociated with NC or the ΔfyuA mutant for 5 weeks. Each symbol represents an individual mouse (n = 10 to 13). Lines are at the medians. P values were determined by Mann-Whitney test. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01. (E and F) Proximal colons from Il10−/− mice colonized with NC (E) or the ΔfyuA mutant (F) for 10 weeks were stained with α-SMA (red), CD31 (green), or DAPI. MS, muscularis serosa. Scale bars, 50 μm.