Fig. 3.
Bacterial-induced secondary structure transition of PDGu(7)-b-PBLK(13). a, b Molar ellipticity [θ] CD spectra of PDGu(20) (blue), PBLK(20) (red), and PDGu(7)-b-PBLK(13) (purple) in DI (a) and in the presence of anionic POPG liposomes (b). c A snapshot of computer simulation of PDGu(7)-b-PBLK(13) binding to anionic bacterial membrane. The membrane model is colored as gray lines with the head groups of the lipid molecules shown as orange spheres. PDGu(7)-b-PBLK(13) is shown as a stick model, its carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen atoms are colored as green, red, blue, and white, respectively. d Computer simulation of transition from helix–coil in solution to helix–helix induced by anionic membrane