Figure 5.
Pharmacokinetic profile of urinary 5,6-ortho-quinone 0, 4, 10, and 24 hours after primaquine (PQ) dosing, by CYP2D6 metabolizer phenotype. A, 5,6-ortho-quinone levels in all volunteers with a normal metabolizer (NM) phenotype (n = 8). Those with an activity score (AS-A) of 2 are indicated by dotted lines and filled circles, and those with an AS-A of 1.5 are indicated by solid lines and open circles. B, 5,6-ortho-quinone levels in volunteers from the intermediate metabolizer (IM) group in whom 5,6-ortho-quinone was detected at ≥2 time points (n = 9). Two volunteers from the IM group with an AS-A of 1.0 are indicated by dotted black lines and stars. The 5 volunteers with an AS-A of 0.5 are indicated by gray triangles (for those with a maximum concentration [Cmax] at 4 hours) or open triangles (for those with a Cmax at 24 hours). Two volunteers from the IM group had an AS-A of 0.25, of whom one had a Cmax at 4 hours (open square) and the other had a Cmax at 10 hours (open diamond). Not shown are data for 1 volunteer with an IM phenotype who had 5,6-ortho-quinone detected only at 4 hours, data for 2 who had 5,6-ortho-quinone detected only at 10 hours, and data for 2 who had 5,6-ortho-quinone detected only at 24 hours. 5,6-ortho-quinone was not detected in 5 volunteers from the IM group.