Quantification of 4C4-ir profiles after deafferentation by chemical ablation.
A) Total microglia after temporary deafferentation showed no significant differences compared to control. B) A proportion of 4C4-ir profiles after temporary deafferentation showed significantly different microglial morphologies in the deafferented bulb (R) with comparisons to internal control (L) and intact controls (t = 0 h) and between timepoints after injury. Comparisons to control showed that there was a significant decrease in ramified profiles 1–72 h after injury in both olfactory bulbs. Amoeboid profiles significantly increased at timepoints after 4 h in both olfactory bulbs, significantly increasing between 4–12 h, peaking at 12 h, and significantly decreasing between 12–24 h. * = P < 0.05 compared with controls, † = P < 0.05 compared to the previous timepoint.