(A) Reference map of DWV genomic RNA. (B,C) Shannon's diversity profiles for DWV (averaged for 100 nt) for (B) 2010 bees (gray line), 2015 individual honey bees (green lines), and a colony sample (black line); (C) individual bees infected with cDNA clone-derived DWV isolates—red lines, single infections; black line, mixed infection of five clones; blue line, theoretical profile for five clone mixture. Distributions of polymorphic nucleotides showing an alternate allele exceeding 3% in frequency and the resulting amino acid changes are shown below the diversity graphs. NGS libraries’ IDs (S1 Table) for the groups are shown in brackets: “USA 2010, average” (B2_PBS, B5_PBS, G2_PBS, G5_PBS, B2_Hem, B5_Hem, G2_Hem, G5_Hem), “USA 2015, individual bees” (V52_Pupa15, V56_Pupa15, V57_Pupa15, V62_Pupa15), “USA 2015, 50 bees” (V99_VIROCT15), “Infection 5 clone mixture 3 dpi” (V112_ABCDE_3), and “Infection individual clones 3 dpi” (V22_304TR, V25_306TR, V16_422TR, V19_702TR, V21_703TR). dpi, days postinoculation; DWV, deformed wing virus; ID, identifier; IRES, internal ribosome entry site; LP, leader protein; NGS, next-generation sequencing; Prot, viral protease; RdRpol, RNA-dependent RNA polymerase; VP, structural viral protein; Vpg, genome-linked protein.