Table 2.
Extrapolated Estimates of the Direct Medical Costs Associated With Injuries Attributable to Sport Specialization
Population, Millionsa |
Prevalence of Specialization, %b |
Highly Specialized, No.c |
% Injuredd |
Injuries in Highly Specialized Athletes, No.e |
Cost Per Injury, $ Rangef |
Range of Total Direct Medical Costs Associated With Specializationg |
45 | 13.4 | 6 030 000 | 21 | 1 266 300 | 640–1095 | 810 432 000–1 386 598 500 |
60 | 13.4 | 8 040 000 | 21 | 1 688 400 | 640–1095 | 1 080 576 000–1 848 798 000 |
45 | 38 | 17 100 000 | 21 | 3 591 300 | 640–1095 | 2 298 432 000–3 932 473 500 |
60 | 38 | 22 800 000 | 21 | 4 788 000 | 640–1095 | 2 064 320 000–5 242 860 000 |
Estimates of population that participate in youth sports (5–18 years of age).
Minimum and maximum estimates of the prevalence of highly specialized athletes.
First column × second column.
Percentage of highly specialized athletes who are injured during a season.20
Third column × fourth column.
Estimated average cost per musculoskeletal injury (95% confidence interval) adjusted for inflation.
Estimated total costs of injuries in highly specialized athletes.