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. 2019 Oct;54(10):1013–1020. doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-521-18

Table 2.

Extrapolated Estimates of the Direct Medical Costs Associated With Injuries Attributable to Sport Specialization

Population, Millionsa
Prevalence of Specialization, %b
Highly Specialized, No.c
% Injuredd
Injuries in Highly Specialized Athletes, No.e
Cost Per Injury, $ Rangef
Range of Total Direct Medical Costs Associated With Specializationg
45 13.4 6 030 000 21 1 266 300 640–1095 810 432 000–1 386 598 500
60 13.4 8 040 000 21 1 688 400 640–1095 1 080 576 000–1 848 798 000
45 38 17 100 000 21 3 591 300 640–1095 2 298 432 000–3 932 473 500
60 38 22 800 000 21 4 788 000 640–1095 2 064 320 000–5 242 860 000

Estimates of population that participate in youth sports (5–18 years of age).


Minimum and maximum estimates of the prevalence of highly specialized athletes.


First column × second column.


Percentage of highly specialized athletes who are injured during a season.20


Third column × fourth column.


Estimated average cost per musculoskeletal injury (95% confidence interval) adjusted for inflation.


Estimated total costs of injuries in highly specialized athletes.