Cells were transfected with opsins, fixed, stained with 1D4 anti-rod opsin antibody and fluorescent secondary antibody, and imaged on a fluorescent microscope. (A) Representative images of cells expressing each opsin and control (scale = 10 µm). (B) Quantification of integrated fluorescence intensity (minus background) for ten randomly selected fields from each sample, normalized to mean of no-opsin control, with mean and SEM. ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test show significant differences between no opsin control and positive opsin conditions (*<0.05*, *<0.01). Mc xenopsin (Maritigrella crozieri xenopsin), Hs rod opsin (human rhodopsin), Hs melanopsin (Human melanopsin), JellyOp (Carybdea rastonii jellyfish opsin), SEM (standard error of the mean).