Fig. 7.
Comparison of fold change in gene expression using either qRT-PCR or RNAseq. a Heatmap representing transcript per million (TPM) expression from RNAseq and relative expression from qRT-PCR. The Z-score scales are shown in the top-right corner ranging from blue to yellow. b Regression plot demonstrating the direct correlation between the average log2 FC expression values from both RNAseq and qRT-PCR. c The qRT-PCR validation results of nine selected genes including anti-lipopolysaccharide factor 1 (ALF1), Spatzle (Spz), copper/zinc superoxide dismutase 3 (CuZnSOD3), caspase (CASP), antiviral protein (Anv), dicer (DICER), hemicentin-1-like (HMCN1), ADP ribosylation factors (ARF), and prophenoloxidase (ProPO) with elongation factor1-alpha (EF1-alpha) as an internal reference