Table 1.
List of functions within the BUGSnet package and corresponding items on guidelines that they address
Domain | Function | Brief description | Checklist Item No. | ||
PRISMA [11] | ISPOR-AMPC-NCA [10] | NICE-DSU [12] | |||
Data preparation | data.prep() | Prepares data for further processing | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Description of network | | Descriptive statistics of evidence network | S4, 20 | 2, 14 | A9.1, C3.1 |
net.plot() | Plot of evidence network | S3 | 2, 14 |
A9.1, C3.1, C4.1 |
Homogeneity assessment | data.plot() | Graph of characteristics by study or treatment | 18 | 5, 6 |
A7.2, B2.5, C4.2 |
pma() | Heterogeneity statistics for all direct comparisons | - | 5, 6 |
B2.1, B4.1, C4.2 |
Network meta-analysis | nma.model() | Specifies the NMA model (including meta-regression) | 23 |
7, 9 10, 12, 13, 19 |
A6.3, A7.2, B2.3, B3.1, C2.1 | | Runs the NMA | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Model assessment | nma.diag() | Trace plots and other convergence diagnostics | – | – | B1.1 | | Leverage plots and deviance information criterion (DIC) values | 23, S5 | 8, 11, 12 | B2.2 | |
Output results | nma.forest() | A forest plot of the NMA results | 21 | 17 | B4.1 |
nma.league() | League table of the NMA results | 21 | 17 | B4.1 | |
nma.rank() | Tabular and graphical results for treatment ranking including Surface under the cumulative ranking curve (SUCRA) plot | 21 | 18 | B4.1 | |
nma.regplot() | Meta-regression only. Plot of estimated relative treatment effects (on the linear scale) as a function of covariate values | 23 | 10, 13, 19 | A6.3, A7.2, B2.3 | |
pma() | Results from pairwise comparisons | 20 | 16 | B4.1 | |
Consistency assessment | | Comparison of consistency and inconsistency models [17] | S5 | 8 | C4.3 |