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. 2019 Oct 22;19:370. doi: 10.1186/s12884-019-2546-6

Table 1.

Participant characteristics at baseline

Characteristic Total samplef
n = 309
State maternity population
n = 61,858a
National maternity population
n = 310,247a
n % n % n %
Gestation (M, SD, Range) 19.7 (3.7) (10–27)
Age (M, SD, Range) 29.8 (5.0) (19–43) 30.5
  Less than 20 3 1.0 2110 3.4a 7395 2.4 a
  20–34 250 80.9 47,559 76.8a 232,034 74. a
  35 or more 56 18.1 12,189 19.7a 70,776 22.8 a
  Primiparous 125 40.5 25,336 41.0a 132,842 42.8 a
  Multiparous 184 59.5 36,522 59.0a 176,671 56.9 a
Marital status
  Married/defacto 290 93.9 49,686 80.3b
  Single 17 5.5 11,110 18.0 b
  Separated, divorced, widowed 2 0.6 989 1.7 b
E ducation
  Secondary < year 12 34 11.0
  Secondary to year 12 64 20.7
  Apprentice / Diploma 100 32.4
  Tertiary study 111 35.9
  No paid work or study 72 23.3
  Paid work 207 67.0
  Study 10 3.2
  Both paid work & study 20 6.5
Income $ (Weekly combined)
  Lowest income (Neg – 999) 45 16.1 544,127 32.0 c 2,661,359 31.5 c
  Medium lowest (1000–1499) 74 26.5 271,663 16.0 c 1,278,704 15.2 c
  Medium highest (1500–2499) 113 40.5 378,689 22.2 c 1,840,443 21.8 c
  Highest income (2500- ≥ 5000) 47 16.8 326,440 19.2 c 1,772,945 21.0 c
Birth country
  Australia 224 72.5 45,059 72.8a 201,984 65.1a
  Elsewhere 85 27.5 16,737 27.1 a 106,572 34.4 a
Body mass index (M, SD, Range) 24.2 (6.8) 17.2–47.0
  Underweight < 18.5 5 1.6 3431 5.5a 12,212 3.9 a
  Normal weight 18.5–24.9 141 45.6 31,131 50.3a 152,022 49.0 a
  Overweight 25.0–29.9 76 24.6 14,228 23.0a 76,019 24.5 a
  Obese class 1/2 30.0–39.9 55 17.8 10,166 16.4a 49,593 16.0 a
  Obese class 3 ≥ 40.0 7 2.3 1889 3.0a 8762 2.9 a
Unplanned pregnancy 88 29.1
Stress in the last 12 months 82 26.5
  Smoked during pregnancy 34 11.0 9.9 a
  Previous smoker, < 12 mth ago 19 6.1
  Previous smoker, > 12 mth ago 64 20.7
Pre-pregnancy drug use 33 10.7
Past history of:
  Diabetes 2 0.6 0.7 d
  Hypertension 4 1.3 0.8 a
  Mental health disorder 44 14.2
  Caesarean birth 39 12.6 41.5 a
Current twin pregnancy 6 1.9 1.4e

Note national and state percentages may not compute to 100% due to missing values

aAIHW (2018) [32]

bQueensland Health (2016) [34]

cProfile Id (2016) [31]

dAIHW (2019) [30]

eAIHW (2018) [33]

fn and % values for women who responded