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. 2019 Oct 22;6:223. doi: 10.1038/s41597-019-0236-x

Table 6.

Key information about variables in SST CCI products.

Description of the content of key variables in the NetCDF files Names of variables in files containing single (L2P) or gridded (L3U) orbits of data Names of variables in files containing merged multi-sensor (L4) data
Latitudes of the data points lat lat
Longitudes of the data points lon lon
Sea surface temperature at the skin* using best available retrieval sea_surface_temperature N/A
Total uncertainty of the sea surface temperature at the skin*,# sea_surface_temperature_total_uncertainty N/A
Sea surface temperature at 20 cm depth and 10.30 am or pm local time sea_surface_temperature_depth N/A
Infilled daily-mean estimate of sea surface temperature at 20 cm depth N/A analysed_sst**
Total uncertainty of the sea surface temperature at 20 cm depth# sea_surface_temperature_depth_total_uncertainty analysed_sst_uncertainty
Sea surface temperature anomaly at 20 cm depth sea_surface_temperature_depth_anomaly
Quality level l2p_flags
Location type N/A mask****
Fractional coverage of sea ice N/A sea_ice_fraction

*Skin SST is the temperature of the radiating surface layer of the water, which is of order 10 µm depth.

**‘Analysis’ is the term used for the combination and interpolation of the SSTs from the orbit files; an alternative set of products is available where this variable is replaced with analysed_sst_anomaly.

***Good quality SSTs are those where the value in the SST data array is not −32768 and the value in the quality_level variable is 4 or 5.

****Ice-free ocean SST values have mask = 1.

#Also available in the files is uncertainty broken down into different components.