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. 2019 Oct 22;7(10):2325967119876238. doi: 10.1177/2325967119876238


Outcome Measures Reported by Treatment Strategy and Studya

First Author Subcategory Methodology Sports Activity Time to RTS Tegner Score FAOS Score FAAM Score FADI Score Karlsson Score FFI-D Score Valderrabano Score Martin Score AAS Score
 Ogilvie-Harris58 BMS PCS x
 Bonnin6 BMS RCS x x
 Kumai43 BMS RCS x
 Ogilvie-Harris59 BMS RCS x x
 Ogilvie-Harris60 BMS RCS x x
 Draper17 BMS R Comp x
 Savva75 BMS RCS x
 Ferkel20 BMS RCS x
 Ventura94 BMS RCS x x
 Dunlap18 BMS RCS x
 van Bergen88 BMS RCS x
 Kramer41 BMS RCS x x x
 Karnovsky35 BMS R Comp x
 Lee47 BMS R Cohort x
 Reilingh69 BMS + PEMF RCT x x x
 van Eekeren92 BMS RCS x x x
 Kim38 BMS + PRP/MSC R Comp x x
 Sun85 BMS RCT x
 Guney26 BMS + PRP/MSC RCT x
 Hankemeier29 BMS RCS x
 Murphy54 BMS P Comp x
 Saxena76 BMS P Comp x x
 Domayer15 BMS PCS x
Internal fixation
 Kumai44 Drilling + fixation RCS x
 Schuh77 Drilling + fixation RCS x
Retrograde drilling
 Rosenberger72 Retrograde drilling RCS x
Osteo(chondral) transplantation
 Saxena76 Autograft PCS x x
 Sun85 Autograft RCT x
 Draper17 Autograft R Comp x
 Lee46 Autograft RCS x
 Haasper27 Mosaicplasty RCS x
 Valderrabano86 Mosaicplasty RCS x x
 Hangody28 Mosaicplasty PCS x
 Kennedy36 Autograft PCS x x
 Paul63 Autograft RCS x x
 Pearce64 Synthetic graft PCS x
 Hu32 Osteoperiosteal graft RCS x
 Leumann48 Mosaicplasty PCS x
 Petersen65 Autograft PCS x x
 Ahmad1 Autograft/allograft RCT x
 Fraser21 Autograft RCS x x
 Hintermann31 Autograft PCS x x
 Zhu98 Autograft + allograft RCS x
 Kim39 Autograft RCS x
 Gautier22 Autograft RCS x
 Ogut61 Autograft RCS x
 DeSandis13 Synthetic graft RCS x
Cartilage implantation
 Baums4 ACI PCS x
 Giannini23 ACI PCS x
 Giannini24 ACI RCS x
 Aurich3 MACI PCS x
 Magnan51 ACI RCS x
 Coetzee9 ACI RCS x
 Nehrer55 MACI/ACI PCS x
 Dekker12 PJCI RCS x
Metal implantation
 Ettinger19 Metal implant RCS x
 Vuurberg96 Metal implant PCS x
Chondrogenesis-inducing techniques
 Valderrabano87 AMIC PCS x
 Kubosch42 AMIC PCS x
 Gottschalk25 AMIC P Cohort x
 Clanton8 Other RCS x
 Pagliazzi62 Other RCS x
 Murphy54 Other P Cohort x
 Richter71 Other PCS x
 Karnovsky35 Other RCS x
 Sadlik74 Other P Comp x

aAs there were several studies that reported outcomes for multiple treatment options (ie, comparative study), the total number of treatment strategies is higher than the total number of included studies. AAS, Ankle Activity Score; ACI, autologous chondrocyte implantation; AMIC, autologous matrix-induced chondrogenesis; BMS, bone marrow stimulation; FAAM, Foot and Ankle Ability Measure; FADI, Foot and Ankle Disability Index; FAOS, Foot and Ankle Outcome Score; FFI-D, German Foot Function Index; MACI, matrix-induced autologous chondrocyte implantation; MSC, mesenchymal stem cell; P Cohort, prospective cohort study; P Comp, prospective comparative study; PCS, prospective case series; PEMF, pulsed electromagnetic field; PJCI, particulated juvenile cartilage implantation; PRP, platelet-rich plasma; R Cohort, retrospective cohort study; R Comp, retrospective comparative study; RCS, retrospective case series; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RTS, return to sports.