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. 2019 Oct 22;7(10):2325967119876238. doi: 10.1177/2325967119876238

Table 8.

Overview of Study Characteristics, Patient Characteristics, and Outcomes for Cartilage Implantationa

No. of studies 8b
No. of patients 171
Study type, n
 Prospective case series 4
 Retrospective case series 4
Follow-up duration,c mo 20-67
Defects (n = 172), n (%)
 Primary 111 (65)
 Secondary 61 (35)
Berndt and Harty classification N/A
RTS rate (n = 118),c mean (95% CI), % 40-100 (15-100)
RTS rate to preinjury level (n = 88),c mean (95% CI), % 6-100 (1-100)
Time to RTSc N/A

aN/A, not available; RTS, return to sports.

bReferences 3, 4, 9, 12, 23, 24, 51, 55.

cRange of means of original data.