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. 2019 Oct 17;24(42):1900233. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.42.1900233

Table 3. Number and percentage of all varicella admissions, by sex and complication category, England, 2004ā€“2017 (nā€‰=ā€‰61,022).

Male Female
n % n %
Cardiovascular 14 0.04 12 0.04
Congenital 29 0.09 20 0.07
Ear, nose and throat 965 2.90 763 2.75
Fever 790 2.38 636 2.29
Gastrointestinal 1,981 5.96 1,674 6.03
Haematological 543 1.63 418 1.51
Liver 55 0.17 36 0.13
Musculoskeletal 227 0.68 137 0.49
Neonatal 12 0.04 16 0.06
Neurological 2,968 8.93 2,420 8.71
Ocular 291 0.88 211 0.76
Other 203 0.61 142 0.51
Renal 924 2.78 871 3.14
Respiratory 1,960 5.90 1,364 4.91
Sepsis 728 2.19 551 1.98
Skin 3,680 11.07 3,184 11.46
Any 12,833 38.60 10,441 37.59
None 20,416 61.40 17,332 62.41
Total 33,249 100 27,773 100

Information on sex was missing for two cases.

The sum of complications in each category may be more than the total, as some cases had more than one complication.