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. 2012 Sep 21;26(5):384–397. doi: 10.1002/jcla.21539

Table 1.

Analytical Characteristics and Calibration Procedures of Dimension Vista® Methods

Analyte Mnemonic Calibrator Calibration frequency Calibration type Sample (μl)a Reagent 1 Reagent 2 Reagent 3 Reaction time min Principle of methods/technology Wavelength (nm)
α1‐acid glycoprotein A1AG PROT1 CAL 45 days non linear 6 points 7.7a 127.6 7 15.3 6 Specific antibodies/Nephelometry 840
α 1‐antitrypsin A1AT PROT1 CAL 45 days non linear 6 points 13.7a 109.6 27.4 6 Specific antibodies/Nephelometry 840
Albumin ALB CHEM 4 CAL 90 days linear 2 points 1.67 41.7 2.2 Bromocresol purple/polychromatism end point 540, 600, 700
Alkaline Phosphatase ALP ALP CAL 90 days linear 2 points 3 6 19.29 19.29 5.6 AMP/Calibration/37°C/bichromatic kinetic 405, 510
Alanine Aminotransferase ALT ENZ 2 CAL 90 days linear 2 points 14.58 12.5 33.33 5.3 L‐Alanine/α‐KG/NADH in NAD/Calibration/37°C/bichromatic kinetic 340, 700
Amylase AMY ENZ 1 CAL 90 days linear 2 points 5.25 82.1 3.4 CNPG3/ Calibration/37°C / bichromatic kinetic 405, 577
Aspartate Aminotransferase AST ENZ 2 CAL 90 days linear 2 points 13.33 33.33 21.67 5.3 L‐Aspartate/α KG/NADH in NAD/Calibration/37°C/bichromatic kinetic 340, 700
Beta HCG BHCG BHCG CAL 30 days non linear 6 points 2 25 25 100 10 LOCI/Chemiluminescence (flash) 680, 612
Urea UREA CHEM 1 CAL 30 days linear 2 points 1.2 36 2.6 Urease and GLDH/bichromatic kinetic 340, 383
Calcium CA CHEM 1 CAL 90 days linear 2 points 1.67 48.33 11 1.2 Cresolphthalein Complexone/bichromatic end point 577, 540
Cholesterol CHOL CHEM 1 CAL 90 days linear 2 points 1.25 36.5 10.8 5.6 Cholesterol esterase (Stadtman adapté/Liedtke) bichromatic end point 540, 452,700
Creatine Kinase CK CK CAL 90 days linear 2 points 5.77 39.15 4.9 CP/ADP/NADP in NADPH/Calibration/37°C/bichromatic kinetic 340, 405
Creatinine CREA CHEM 1 CAL 90 days linear 2 points 8 29.6 7.2 1.2 Picrate in alkaline buffer(Jaffé)/bichromatic kinetic 510, 600
CRP CRP PROT2 CAL 45 days non linear 7 points 1.37a 118 27.3 5.8 Specific antibodies/Nephelometry 840
Cardiac Troponin I cTnI cTnI CAL 30 days non linear 6 points 20 20 20 13 10 LOCI/Chemiluminescence (flash) 680, 612
Direct Bilirubin DBIL TDBIL CAL 90 days linear 2 points 5 12.5 25 4.9 Diazo‐Caffeine/Benzoate (Jendrassik‐Grof) w/blank/bichromatic end point 540, 700
Ferritin FERR LOCI 4 CAL 30 days non linear 5 points 2 20 20 100 10 LOCI/Chemiluminescence (flash) 680, 612
γ Glutamyl Transferase GGT ENZ 1 CAL 90 days linear 2 points 11.43 26.79 1.9 GCNA/Calibration/37°C/bichromatic kinetic 405, 600
Glucose GLU CHEM 1 CAL 90 days linear 2 points 1.2 22.4 2 Hexokinase, UV/bichromatic end point 340, 383
Haptoglobin HAPT PROT1 CAL 45 days non linear 6 points 7.1a 114 7 28.6 6 Specific antibodies/Nephelometry 840
hsCRP hsCRP PROT2 CAL 45 days non linear 7 points 1.37 118 27.3 5.8 Specific antibodies/Nephelometry 840
Lactic Acid LA CHEM 1 CAL 90 days linear 2 points 1.8 9 33.8 9 8.9 Lactate in Pyruvate/NAD in NADH/Calibration/37°C/bichromatic end point 340, 383
Lactate Dehydrogenase LDH ENZ 1 CAL 90 days linear 2 points 6 21.43 38.57 2 L‐Lactate/NAD in NADH/Calibration/37°C/bichromatic kinetic 340, 383
Lipase LIP ENZ 1 CAL 45 days linear 2 points 1.9 48 48 3.1 Methyl resorufin ester substrate/Calibration/37°C/bichromatic kinetic 577, 700
Microalbuminuria MALB PROT3 CAL 45 days non linear 7 points 10 117.5 20 19 Specific antibodies/Nephelometry 840
N‐terminal pro‐BNP PBNP PBNP CAL 30 days non linear 6 points 8 20 20 15 10 LOCI/Chemiluminescence (flash) 680, 612
Phosphorus PHOS CHEM 2 CAL 90 days linear 2 points 1.3 21.3 8.5 8.5 2.9 Phosphomolybdate UV/bichromatic end point 340, 700
Triglycerides TG CHEM 2 CAL 90 days linear 2 points 1.6 55 5.6 Lipoprotein Lipase‐ GK‐ GPO‐ POD bichromatic end point 510, 700
Total Bilirubin TBIL TDBIL CAL 90 days linear 2 points 5 125 23.5 7.5 Diazo‐(J‐G) w/blank/bichromatic end point 540, 700
Total CO2 CO2 CHEM 3 CAL 90 days linear 2 points 1.9 38 1.9 Enzymatic/bichromatic kinetic 405, 700
Total proteins TP CHEM 4 CAL 90 days linear 2 points 6.2 34.7 34.7 3.8 Biuret/bichromatic end point 540, 700
Transferrin TRF PROT1 CAL 45 days non linear 5 points 7.1a 114.3 7 28.6 6 Specific antibodies/Nephelometry 840
Urine/CSF proteins UCFP UCFP CAL 60 days non linear 5 points 3.7 128.68 2 Pyrogallol red/bichromatic end point 600, 700
Uric Acid URCA CHEM 1 CAL 90 days linear 2 points 6.6 50.8 10 4.9 Uricase/bichromatic end point 293, 700
Na, K, Cl Na, K, Cl STD A – B 4 hr 25 0.35 Indirect Potentiometry

1/20 prediluted sample. The indicated volume is in the reaction cup.