Figure 1:
Overview of the micropipette devices. (A) Schematic overview of the device and the different pressures applied to the three ports. The dashed rectangle indicates the region shown as close-up in panels C and D. (B) Photograph of the actual devices in a typical experimental setup, with four devices mounted on a glass coverslip, allowing the measurement of four different cell types or replicates in rapid succession. A US 1 cent coin serves as reference for size. (C) Schematic 3-D close-up of the micropipette channels and the main channel, corresponding to the area outlined with a dashed line in panel A. (D) Schematic close-up of the device region with the individual pipettes channels, viewed from the top (left) and side (right). The side-view shows that the pipette channels have a lower height (5 μm) than the rest of the device (10 μm). (E) Representative image of cells expressing fluorescently labeled histones (red) to reveal the nucleus, and a fluorescent actin marker (LifeAct-GFP, green) to delineate the cytoplasm, entering the micropipette channel. (Scale bar 10 μm.)