a) To assess the relationship between disease progression in the expiratory muscles and other skeletal muscles, expiratory muscle FF, lower trunk muscle (psoas and PS) FF, and lower extremity muscle (VL and SOL) FF were compared. White cells represent missing data. The relationship between FF of the different muscles was generally consistent with lower fatty infiltration of the expiratory muscles being associated with lower fatty infiltration of the trunk and lower extremity muscles. However, some individuals stand out as having one muscle which is more severely affected than the others. For example, participant 11 has a higher paraspinal FF than would be expected given the FF in his other muscles, and participant 16 has a higher IO FF than may be expected. b) During maximal inspirations, nonambulatory individuals had significantly smaller increases in sagittal lung area normalized to height, compared to ambulatory individuals (p=0.046). c) Nonambulatory participants also had significantly higher expiratory muscle FF compared to ambulatory participants (p<0.001 for all comparisons). (EO = external oblique, FF = fat fraction, IO = internal oblique, PS = paraspinals, RA = rectus abdominis, SOL = soleus, VL = vastus lateralis)