(A) Mean group normalized amplitude spectra (% change) are shown for all conditions across both experiments (image categories are given same gray color given highly overlapping data); shading reflects SEM.
(B) Mean group power spectra (log-log axis) are shown for both experiments, including mean baseline power spectra.
(C) Mean group “task selectivity” spectrogram (grating versus categories). Time-frequency map highlights amplitude of response relative to task (green for time-frequency points larger for gratings; purple for time-frequency points larger for categories; white for time-frequency points of similar amplitude across tasks). Conditions in both tasks have been collapsed (note: gratings are presented for 500 ms and natural images for 1,000 ms; map is truncated at 600 ms post-stimulus to capture stimulus presentation up until the offset response to gratings).
(D) Mean group amplitude response for NBG and BBG for early (0–250 ms) and late (250–500 ms) time windows (error bars, SEM). Across panels, NBG and BBG range is indicated for reference. Together, these plots highlight that BBG changes extend through the classical NBG range.