Fig. 3.
Spindle assembly checkpoint activity is not abrogated in tetraploid embryos. a and b Quantification of mitosis duration in 8-cell control (without AZ 3146 n = 47 divisions from seven embryos; with AZ 3146 n = 63 divisions from eight embryos), 4-cell binucleated embryos (without AZ 3146 n = 30 divisions from eight embryos; with AZ 3146 n = 54 divisions from 15 embryos) ***P = 0.0009; ****P < 0.0001 (unpaired Kruskal–Wallis test with Dunn’s test for multiple comparisons) a; 16-cell control (without AZ 3146 n = 61 divisions from seven embryos; with AZ 3146 n = 59 divisions from seven embryos) and 8-cell tetraploid embryos (without AZ 3146 n = 50 divisions from nine embryos; with AZ 3146 n = 63 divisions from 12 embryos) ***P = 0.0005; ****P < 0.0001 (unpaired Kruskal–Wallis test with Dunn’s test for multiple comparisons) b. c Representative z projections of MAD2-positive and MAD2-negative kinetochores demonstrating co-localisation of MAD2 (magenta) and CREST (cyan) in positively stained kinetochores and no co-localisation in negatively stained kinetochores. d and e Proportion of MAD2-positive kinetochores in 8-cell control, 4-cell binucleated d, 16-cell control and 8-cell tetraploid embryos e at 10 mins (8-cell control n = 6 blastomeres; 4-cell binucleated n = 6 blastomeres; 16-cell control n = 5 blastomeres; 8-cell tetraploid n = 5 blastomeres), 20 mins (8-cell control n = 5 blastomeres; 4-cell binucleated n = 6 blastomeres; 16-cell control n = 5 blastomeres; 8-cell tetraploid n = 6 blastomeres) and 30 mins (8-cell control n = 4 blastomeres; 4-cell binucleated n = 6 blastomeres; 16-cell control n = 5 blastomeres; 8-cell tetraploid n = 5 blastomeres) after nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD). Error bars represent SEM. f and g Representative time-lapse images of live 4-cell binucleated f and 8-cell tetraploid embryos g co-expressing H2B:RFP and MAD1:2EGFP. Note that MAD1:2EGFP signal is clearly observed at the kinetochores shortly after nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD) and is gradually lost following chromosome alignment at the metaphase plate. Scale bars = 10 µm except for figure c, where scale bars = 1 µm. Where box plots are shown, the centre line represents the median, the bounds of box represent the upper and lower quartiles and the whiskers represent minimum and maximum values