Altered thalamocortical FFI in P10–11 Fmr1-KO mouse. a Left: Trial-averaged voltage-clamp recordings showing direct thalamocortical EPSCs and FF-IPSCs from an example Fmr1+/Y Layer 4 SC, Scale: 25 ms/500 pA. The strength of TC-FFI (“G/A ratio”) is quantified as the ratio of peak evoked current. Right: Strength of TC-FFI at P10–11. Points indicate neurons, bars are mean ± SEM. Unlike for Fmr1+/Y recordings (28 neurons, max. 3 per animal), in Fmr1−/Y neurons, some cells (8/38 neurons, max. 3 per animal) lacked FFI; light red bars indicate FFI strength of cells with G/A > 0, hollow markers. Including Fmr1−/Y neurons with G/A = 0, average strength of FFI was not significantly different to that of Fmr1+/Y, but excluding these neurons (dark red bars and solid markers), the average strength was elevated over that of FFI in wild-type recordings (Fmr1+/Y vs. all Fmr1−/Y neurons: p = 0.40, Fmr1+/Y vs. Fmr1−/Y neurons with G/A > 0: p = 0.005, Mann–Whitney). b Synaptic kinetics of currents underlying TC-FFI. Left: Example TC-evoked currents in from Fmr1+/Y (blue) and Fmr1−/Y (red), EPSCs and FF-IPSCs, individually scaled to peak amplitudes. Note the slower decay time constant and onset latency for Fmr1−/Y FFI-PSCs (indicated by red and blue arrows). Right: Slower FFI synaptic kinetics for Fmr1−/Y SCs. No significant genotype-dependent differences were observed in the same comparisons for kinetics of EPSCs. Asterisks indicate p < 0.05 (t-test), N’s (neurons): 23 Fmr1+/Y/26 Fmr1−/Y (EPSCs); 27 Fmr1+/Y/28 Fmr1−/Y (FF-IPSCs). c Example TC EPSPs from SCs receiving low, medium and high TC-FFI. Note the progressive curtailment of EPSP duration with increasing FFI strength, the lack of a Fmr1+/Y example for G/A = 0, and the exaggerated IPSP for the high strength FFI Fmr1−/Y example. d Slower TC EPSPs in Fmr1−/Y. Full width at half-height (‘half-width’) of EPSPs from SCs (N (neurons) = 19 Fmr1+/Y, 36 Fmr1−/Y), bars are mean ± SEM, asterisks denote p < 0.05 (t-test). Not shown: the dependence of Fmr1-KO thalamocortical EPSP duration on the strength of FFI is distorted. Fmr1-KO Neurons with weaker/no FFI (G/A ratio < 2) showed specifically broadened EPSP duration (22.4 ± 7.30 ms vs. 68.4 ± 16 ms, Fmr1+/Y vs. Fmr1−/Y, p = 0.02), whereas this effect was dampened in neurons with stronger FFI (13.2 ± 8.70 ms vs. 37.1 ± 15.8 ms, Fmr1+/Y vs. Fmr1−/Y, p = 0.07)