Figure 2.
AM237 activates TRPC5:C5 channels. (a,c) Representative [Ca2+]i measurements from single 96‐well plates (N = 6) showing an increase in [Ca2+]i in response to 0.3‐ to 300‐nM AM237 in (Tet+) HEK T‐REx cells expressing hTRPC5 (a) or hTRPC5‐SYFP2 (c). (b,d) Concentration–response data for experiments in (a) and (c), respectively, showing mean responses ± SEM (n/N = 5/30). Responses were calculated at 250–295 s compared to [Ca2+]i at baseline (0–55 s). (e) Typical outside‐out patch‐clamp data from a hTRPC5‐expressing HEK (Tet+) T‐REx cell showing current sampled at −100 and +100 mV during ramp changes in voltage (all agents were bath applied). (f) Representative current–voltage relationship (I–Vs) from experiments of the type illustrated in (e). (g) Mean responses ± SEM (n = 7 independent recordings) as shown in (e) for +100 mV and −100 mV. *P<0.05, significantly different from basal, one‐way ANOVA with Friedman's post hoc test