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. 2018 Oct 30;45(6):1195–1208. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sby150

Table 1.

Study Characteristics

First Author (Year) N % Female Mean Age Dxa Affective or FEP Covariates Trauma Measure Cognitive Domains Cognitive Measure Nonindependent Samples (First Author [Year]) Excluded From Main Analyses
Aas (2011a)32 138 47.1 30.6 FEP, including affective psychosis Education and ethnicity CECA.Q Overall cognition, EF, WM, memory, attention RAVLT, WMS-R, LNS, TMT, DS, Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices Aas (2012a)40
Aas (2011b)39 30 33.33 30.1 FEP N/A CECA.Q Overall cognition, WM, memory, attention WMS III, TMT, SWM, WAIS III --
Aas (2012a)40 83 37.3 27.4 FEP N/A CECA.Q Overall cognition, EF, WM, memory, attention WAIS-R, Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices, TMT Aas (2011a)32
Aas (2012b)31 406 47.29 30.7 Including affective psychosis Age and gender CTQ Overall cognition, EF, WM, memory CVLT, LNS, DS, WASI Aas (2012c)36 Aas (2013)37
Aas (2012c)36 118 55.1 32.2 Including affective psychosis Age, gender, and paternal education CTQ Overall cognition, EF, WM, memory WASI-III, LNS, DS, CVLT Aas (2012a)40 Aas (2013)37
Aas (2013)37 249 51 30.7 Including affective psychosis Age, gender, diagnosis CTQ Overall cognition, EF, WM, memory WASI, D-KEFS, LNS, DS, CVLT Aas (2012a)40 Aas (2012c)36
Campbell (2013)29 30 40 31.8 FEP, including affective psychosis Premorbid IQ TEC, PDS, TREQ IQ, overall cognition, EF, WM, memory, attention WASI, NART, Rey- Osterieth Complex Figure, Hayling & Brixton, Corsi Block Tapping
Garcia (2016)24 79 36.8 25.3 Including affective psychosis Age, gender, education status CTQ Overall cognition, WM, memory, attention MCCB
Green (2014)26 617 32.74 39.7 Including affective psychosis COMT genotype CAQ Overall cognition, EF, memory, attention COWAT, LNS, WAIS III,
Green (2015)41
Green (2015)41 444 32.7 39.7 Including affective psychosis FK506 binding protein genotypes CAQ Overall cognition, EF, memory, attention WTAR, LNS, COWAT, RBANS Green (2014)26
Kelly (2016)22 80 30 32.5 Including affective psychosis N/A CTQ Overall cognition RBANS
Killian (2017)63 56 25 23.8 FEP N/A CTQ Overall cognition, WM, memory, attention RBANS
Li (2017)21 162 64.19 37.8 Including affective psychosis N/A CTQ-SF Overall cognition, EF, memory, attention RBANS
Lysaker (2001)28 43 0 45 Including affective psychosis N/A Clinical interview Overall cognition, EF, WM, memory, attention WCST, LNS, WAIS
Mansueto (2017)30 532 24.4 27.6 N/A Age and gender CTQ-SF Overall cognition, EF, memory, attention RST, WLT, CPT
Quide (2017)20 50 56.5 37.7 Including affective psychosis N/A CTQ IQ, WM WASI, NBack bGreen (2014, 2015), Quide (2018)
Quide (2018)38 79 43.04 42.52 Including affective psychosis Age and gender CTQ Overall cognition, memory, attention, WM RBANS, LNS, COWAT bGreen (2014, 2015), Quide (2017)
Ruby (2017)23 17 28.57 31.5 Including affective psychosis N/A ETI IQ, overall cognition, EF, memory WMS-R, WAIS, FAS
Schalinski (2017)19 168 33.33 27.9 Including affective psychosis N/A MACE Overall cognition, WM, memory, attention MCCB
Schenkel (2005)27 40 37.5 41.9 Including affective psychosis N/A Clinical interview IQ, overall cognition, EF COWAT, Hayling & Brixton Tests, Shipley IQ
Shannon (2011)25 85 21.18 41.1 N/A IQ and current depressive symptoms CTQ Overall cognition, memory WMS-III
Sideli (2014)34 134 35.07 29.4 N/A N/A CECA.Q IQ, overall cognition, EF, WM, memory, attention NART, WAIS-III, WMS-III, TMT, DS
Van Os (2017)33 698 23.94 27.6 N/A Age, sex, ethnic group, education level, symptom score, and cannabis use CTQ IQ, overall cognition WAIS IQ

Note: CECA.Q, childhood experience of care and abuse questionnaire; COWAT, Controlled Oral Word Association Test; CTQ, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire; CVLT, California Verbal Learning Test; DS, Digit Symbol; EF, executive function; FEP, first-episode psychosis; LNS, letter number sequencing; MACE, Maltreatment and Abuse Chronology of Exposure; MCCB, MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery; NART, National Adult Reading Test; PDS, Post-Traumatic Diagnostic Scale; RAVLT, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test; RST, response shifting tasks; RBANS, Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status; SWM, Spatial Working Memory (from the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery [CANTAB59]); TEC, Traumatic Experiences Checklist; TMT, Trail Making Test; TREQ, troubles related experiences questionnaire; WAIS, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale; WM, Working Memory; WMS-R, Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised; WTAR, Wechsler Test of Adult Reading.

aIndicates whether authors specified that FEP was recruited, as well as whether authors specified that sample included affective psychosis Dx individuals. N/A indicates that authors did not report either of the two.

bQuide (2017, 2018) and Green (2014 and 2015) both recruited from Schizophrenia Research Banks, therefore samples are not independent; whereas Quide reported IQ and working memory measures, Green (2014, 2015) reported overall cognition, EF, attention/processing speed, and verbal/visual memory. Because Green and colleagues’ sample size is larger, Green was chosen for overall cognition, whereas Quide et al. was designated for working memory and IQ domains.