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. 2019 Aug 28;29:182–196. doi: 10.1016/j.molmet.2019.08.016

Table 3.

Univariate and multivariable regression analysis between log-transformed PROK2 plasma levels and anthropometric, metabolic and lifestyle variables in 148 participants, the D.E.S.I.R. study.

Single regression analysis
Stepwise multivariable regression analysis (final parameters)
β P β P
Sex 0.043 0.60
Age −0.153 0.06
BMI −0.161 0.05 −0.163 0.05
Waist girth −0.196 0.02
Fasting glucose −0.176 0.03
HbA1c −0.168 0.04
Systolic blood pressure −0.051 0.54
Diastolic blood pressure 0.034 0.68
Ln triglycerides −0.097 0.24
Total cholesterol −0.148 0.07
HDLC 0.101 0.22
LDLC −0.178 0.03 −0.131 0.12
Energy intake −0.144 0.08 −0.182 0.05
Alcohol intake −0.156 0.06
Smoker status 0.147 0.08 0.157 0.07
Physical activity 0.026 0.76
Socio-economic statusa F = 2.28 (7df) 0.03 NA 0.04

β, standardized partial regression coefficient. In single regression analysis, β is equal to r, Pearson's correlation coefficient.

Sex: man = 1, woman = 2; smoker: yes = 1, no = 2; physical activity index, 3 groups (coding 0–2).

Socio-economic status: 1 = Agricultural (but not represented in the population with Prokineticin 2 measured); 2. Craftsmen, tradesmen, head of enterprise - independent, government, scientific, arts, spectacles, executives in enterprise; 3. Executives and professions with superior intellectual; 4. Intermediate professions: teachers, health professions, administrators, technicians, clergy; 5. Employees: governmental, enterprises, commerce, police; 6. Workers: qualified, non-qualified, agricultural; 7. Retired - previously agricultural workers, craftsmen, executives, employees, workers etc.; 8. Without a professional activity (unemployed, has never worked, students, apprentices, home-maker); 9. Unemployed, has previously worked.

In bold = variables selected for the stepwise analysis for log-transformed serum prokineticin level (all variables with P < 0.10 in single regression analysis). When excluding total cholesterol and HbA1c because of their strong correlation with LDLC and fasting glucose respectively, the final model was not changed.


Since socio-economic status is a categorical variable, a one factor ANOVA was performed instead of single regression analysis. It was entered in the multiple regression model as categorical variable.