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. 2019 Feb;16(2):161–170. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201811-755WS

Table 2.

Hospital Readmission Reduction Programs

Hospital Type Health System
U.S. Northeast
U.S. Midwest Academic U.S. South Academic
Community Teaching Academic
Characteristics 200+ beds, 15,000 admissions 800+ beds, 32,000 admissions 811 beds, 30,000 admissions 1,150 beds; 49,000 admissions
Service Single pulmonary service Fellow based; multiple attendings APN led One NP
Care manager(s) COPD dedicated CM inpatient/outpatient with close ties to pulmonary practice Inpatient-specific general CMs Multiple Two RNs
Physician role Standard pulmonary consult on all COPD admissions Pulmonary champions care path development, but not routinely involved in individual patient care Three physician champions (pulmonologist, hospitalist, pulmonary fellow) Four COPD leads
Program type QI QI QI BPCI
Program elements CM-led documentation of care plan, education assessment, PR, home visit Care pathway–led program APN-led inpatient consult, pharmacy-led medication reconciliation and inhaler education, RN 48 h phone call, APN follow-up visit, APN/MD 24/7 pager, EHR alert for ED visits RN/NP inpatient consult
    Real time score for General Health Readmission Risk tool   Medication reconciliation
        Follow-up pulmonary visit
        Automated and in person post-D/C calls
        Referral to PR, palliative care, home health, electronic order set
 System to identify inpatients with AECOPD N N Y Y
 Inpatient consult Single pulmonary service; all seen Fellow-based Y—APN Y—RN or NP
 Care plan documentation Y—CM Y—Routine Hospital D/C Y—APN Y—powerplan
 Education assessment/teaching Y—CM Y—Routine Hospital D/C Y—APN and pharmacists Y RN or NP
 RH assessment/referral Y—CM N Y—APN Y
 Medication reconciliation Y—Routine Hospital D/C Y—Routine Hospital D/C Y—pharmacists Y—pharmacists
 Post-D/C home visit Y—CM N—except those qualifying for home VNA N N
 Post-D/C phone call Y N—not routine Y—RN Y—automated and person–person
 Post-D/C clinic visit Y—1–2 wk Y—pathway recommended 1–2 wk Y—APN +/− pharmacists 1–2 wk Y—COPD Clinic, 1–2 wk
 EHR alert     Y—ED Y
 Risk score N Y N Y
 Direct patient call line/number Y Y—health plan based Y—APN/MD pager Y
 Order set/pathway   Y   Y
Process measures ALL <20% utilization of pathway Improved identification of patients with AECOPD 64–84% Improved identification of patients with AECOPD 45–85%; improved PR from 5 to <20%; 0–100% phone calls
Readmissions 37% reduction 27% reduction 46% reduction NS
Patient feedback       Patients liked program, did not want to be “discharged” from program
Other info   Site created after D/C trajectory tool being tested in patient subset   Asthma DRG included in BPCI

Definition of abbreviations: AECOPD = acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; APN = advanced practice nurse; BPCI = bundled payments for care improvement; CM = case/care manager; COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; D/C = discharge; DRG = diagnosis-related group; ED = emergency department; EHR = electronic health record; MD = medical doctor; N = no; NP = nurse practitioner; NS = nonsignificant; PR = pulmonary rehabilitation; QI = quality improvement; RN = registered nurse; VNA = visiting Nurse Association; Y = yes.