Body weight gain and temporal analysis of nutrient transporter expression in the small intestine of mice fed a LFD or HFD. A: Body weights of mice fed either LFD or HFD were recorded at 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 12 weeks after starting the specific diet. Data are from two independent experiments totaling 9 to 10 mice/group. Mice from both groups were euthanized at the 3rd, 6th and 9th week, following diet initiation. The intestinal epithelium was removed, homogenized and processed for detecting the following proteins: B: GLUT2, C: PEPT1, D: NHE3, E: NPC1L1. Representative blots are displayed to the right of the graphs: 1 = 3rd week, 2 = 6th week and 3 = 9th weeks. The number of animals analyzed for each group (N) is also displayed above each bar. Densitometry was used to measure the intensity of each band, and these values, expressed in arbitrary units (A.U.), were normalized by Ponceau-S staining intensity. The p values of statistically significant results are presented above the bars of the graph; non-significant (NS) data are also indicated. The data obtained for body weight,*p < 0.05 vs 0 week HFD. #p < 0.05 vs 0 week LFD. The nitrocellulose membrane was cut at the level of the target proteins using a standard molecular marker as guide. The full area of the selected blots is shown in supplementary data 2.