The mice described in Figure 1 underwent in vivo micro-CT and ex vivo histopathology as described in Materials and Methods. Representative 3D renderings of lung tissue volume (A-D) and lung air volume (E-H) are presented with statistical analyses. Note that TNF-Tg mice have increased lung tissue volumes (I), while maintaining a comparable basal post-expiratory air volume (J) (n=6, mean +/− SD, *p>0.05, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001). Histologic sections stained with Masson’s trichrome are shown to illustrate the absence of collagen deposition (blue tissue) in the interstitium of all mice (K-N). Histologic analysis demonstrates marked inflammatory ILD in TNF-Tg mice versus their WT littermates (K-N). Note that the TNF-Tg male mice have lower cellular density by percent of total area than females, as determined through histology.