Table 4.
SCIP Total |
SCIP Comp | SCIP Mem | SCIP Vis | SCIP Attn | SCIP Conc | SCIP Mot | SCIP Lang | SCIP Arth | NPI Apa | NPI Aff | NPI Ag/Ag | NPI Psy | NPI Dis |
NPI Ab/Mtr |
NPI Sleep |
NPI App |
NPI Total-12 |
SCIP Total | − | |||||||||||||||||
SCIP Comp | .535** | − | ||||||||||||||||
SCIP Mem | .615** | .166 | - | |||||||||||||||
SCIP Vis | .773** | .430** | .387** | - | ||||||||||||||
SCIP Attn | .834** | .580** | .499** | .634** | - | |||||||||||||
SCIP Conc | .796** | .281* | .526** | .512** | .669** | - | ||||||||||||
SCIP Mot | .724** | .239 | .342** | .464** | .484** | .385** | - | |||||||||||
SCIP Lang | .827** | .399** | .484** | .528** | .683** | .676** | .520** | - | ||||||||||
SCIP Arith | .793** | .443** | .395** | .586** | .539** | .557** | .526** | .698** | - | |||||||||
NPI Apa | −.160 | −.292* | −.249 | −.150 | −.088 | .091 | −.103 | .002 | −.064 | - | ||||||||
NPI Aff | −.132 | −.245 | −.146 | −.199 | −.226 | −.089 | .104 | −.053 | −.133 | .141 | - | |||||||
NPI Ag/Ag | −.278* | −.128 | −.329* | −.131 | −.285* | −.312* | −.079 | −.350** | −.147 | .051 | .090 | - | ||||||
NPI Psy | −.042 | −.079 | −.101 | −.030 | .007 | −.025 | .004 | −.085 | −.007 | −.069 | .155 | .380** | - | |||||
NPI Dis | .070 | .242 | −.045 | .038 | .140 | −.001 | .117 | −.007 | −.040 | −.219 | .036 | .264* | .134 | - | ||||
NPI Ab/Mtr | −.058 | −.220 | −.226 | .058 | −.102 | .021 | .019 | −.095 | −.030 | .228 | .096 | .230 | .219 | −.026 | - | |||
NPI Sleep | −.165 | −.150 | .205 | −.191 | −.170 | −.090 | −.182 | −.127 | −.174 | .262 | −.105 | −.112 | −.056 | −.233 | −.158 | - | ||
NPI App | .025 | −.202 | .069 | −.017 | −.086 | .172 | .069 | −.037 | −.020 | −.008 | .029 | −.033 | .215 | .165 | .190 | .080 | - | |
NPI Total-12 | −.210 | −.350** | −.231 | −.189 | −.234 | −.098 | −.021 | −.191 | −.167 | .468** | .464** | .455** | .607** | .180 | .523** | .091 | .459** | - |
Correlations with
are significant at p < .05; those with
indicate significance at p < .01 level. The shaded area displays the correlations between SCIP and NPI scores. SCIP = Severe Cognitive Impairment Profile; Comp = Comportment, Mem = Memory; Vis = Visuospatial; Attn = Attention; Conc = Conceptualization; Mot = Motor; Lang = Language; Arth = Arithmetic; NPI = Neuropsychiatric Inventory; Apa = apathy; Aff = affective; Ag/Ag = Agitation/Aggression; Psy = Psychosis; Dis = Disinhibiton; Ab/Mtr = Aberrant Motor; App = Appetite