Table 1. MLST of selected clonal cultures.
ITS Type (2, 6) | SSU-Type (4) | Fe.hydrogenase Type (13) | Clone1 | Gross Lesions2 | Host |
A (2) ITS-OBT-Tg-1 (6) | KM095107 | A1 (JF681136) | R193-13 C3 | Yes | Falco tinnunculus |
P95-13 C3 | No | Streptopelia decaocto | |||
P349-12 C11 | Yes | Columba palumbus | |||
18S-VI (FN433485) | R17-12 C1 | Bubo bubo | |||
C (2) ITS-OBT-Tg-2 (6) | 18S-II (EU215373) | C4 (KC529662) | R44-12 C5 | No | Accipiter gentilis |
18S-II (EU215374) | C2.1 KP900032 | R24-12 C10 | Falco tinnunculus | ||
18S-II (EU215373) | C4 (KC529662) | P178-13 C7 | Columba palumbus |
MLST of clonal cultures selected for virulence assays in LMH cells. References are included in parenthesis.
1 Clone Code, the first letter refers to bird species prey (P) or raptor (R). The first two or three digits refer to the laboratory internal code and the last two digits to the sampling year. The letter C refers to the number of clone obtained from each isolate.
2 Gross Lesions in the oropharyngeal cavity.