The A. nidulans wild-type (WT), ΔgprH, ΔgprI, ΔgprM, ΔgprHΔgprI, ΔgprHΔgprM, ΔgprIΔgprM and ΔgprHΔgprIΔgprM strains were grown in the presence of light and dark to assess radial growth and asexual conidiation. Conidia were grown on solid MM containing glucose, incubated at 37°C for 24 h in darkness and transferred to either constant white light or darkness for 48 h. A) No mutants showed significant alteration to radial growth. B) The number of conidia/cm2 determined using a Neubauer chamber. Statistical analysis was performed using a two-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-test when compared to the wild-type strain in each condition (*** p< 0.001, ** p< 0.01, * p< 0.05).