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. 2019 Oct 2;8:e48810. doi: 10.7554/eLife.48810

Author response table 1. Absolute coefficients from the MLM regression predicting trial-to-trial EEG signals with additional control predictors.

Post-win Post-loss
Model b se t-value b se t-value
Original Opponent Switch Rate(A) .120 .00 11.04 -.033 .012 -2.80
n-1 Opponent Switch (B) .062 .018 5.66 <-.001 .008 -0.05
n-1 Player Switch .048 .007 6.32 .003 .008 4.06
(A) x (B) -.134 .010 -12.11 .028 .012 2.15
No interaction Opponent Switch Rate .038 .014 2.74 -.011 .015 -.743
n-1 Opponent Switch .039 .011 3.66 <.001 .010 .083
n-1Player Switch .049 .009 5.24 .010 .009 3.27
n-1 Player switch Opponent Switch Rate(A) .184 .162 14.68 -.265 .015 -1.79
n-1 Opponent Switch (B) .049 .013 5.61 <.001 .008 .076
n-1 Player Switch (C) .041 .001 5.96 .033 .008 4.10
(A) x (B) -.110 .011 -10.47 .025 .012 2.05
(A) x (C) -.102 <.001 -10.93 .001 .011 -.89