Figure 6.
Grand-averaged auditory evoked potentials of (a) nonstuttering and (b) stuttering groups in response to probe tones presented during speech planning in a condition with nonaltered auditory feedback (NAF), during speech planning in a condition with delayed auditory feedback (DAF), and at the equivalent time points in a condition with only silent reading. Group-averaged N1 amplitudes in each of the conditions are shown in (c) (error bars correspond to standard errors of the mean). (d) Pre-speech modulation of the N1 component (|N1Reading| − |N1Speaking|) for the nonstuttering group decreased in the DAF condition relative to the NAF condition, whereas for the stuttering group, it increased for the same comparison. As a result, the between-groups difference in pre-speech modulation during speaking with NAF disappeared when speaking with DAF. Adapted from Daliri and Max (2018): Cortex, Vol. 99, A. Daliri and L. Max, “Stuttering Adults’ Lack of Pre-Speech Auditory Modulation Normalizes When Speaking With Delayed Auditory Feedback,” pp. 55–68, Copyright © 2018, with permission from Elsevier.