Table 1.
Pooled functional magnetic resonance imaging data set: subject demographic and task summaries.
Study | Subjects | Speech stimuli (read aloud unless otherwise noted) |
Baseline (silence) |
Sequence learning a | 12 (7F) Ages: 20–43 |
Monosyllabic pseudowords formed by legal or illegal consonant clusters | “xxx” |
Sequence learning in persons who stutter b | 13 (2F) Ages: 18–42 |
Monosyllabic pseudowords formed by legal or illegal consonant clusters | “xxx” |
Syllable sequence representation c | 18 (7F); Ages: 18–30 Fluent French Speakers |
Bisyllabic pseudowords that varied by phonemic or suprasyllabic content | “XXXXX” |
Syllable frame d representation | 17 (9F) Ages: 20–43 |
Monosyllabic pseudowords that varied by phonemic, frame, or syllabic content | “xxx” |
Consonant cluster e representation | 16 (8F) Ages: 20–43 |
Bisyllabic pseudowords that varied by phonemic, cluster, or syllabic content | “xxx” |
Overt production f | 10 (3F) Ages: 19–47 |
Vowel (/V/), consonant–vowel (/CV/), or bisyllabic (/CVCV/) pseudowords | “xxxxx” |
Auditory shift g | 10 (6F) Ages: 23–36 |
Monosyllabic /CVC/ words under normal or altered auditory feedback (F1 shift) | “yyy” |
Auditory category shift h | 18 (9F) Ages: 19 – 33 |
Monosyllabic /CVC/ words under normal or altered auditory feedback (F1/F2 shift) | “***” |
Somatosensory perturbation i | 13 (6F) Ages: 23–51 |
/VV/ or /VCV/ pseudowords under normal or perturbed (interdental block) somatosensory feedback | “yyy” |
Speech rate, clarity, and emphasis j | 14 (7F) Ages: 18–35 |
Five-syllable sentences under fast, clear, emphatic, and normal conditions | Box characters |
Covert vs. overt sequence production k , l | 15 (8F) Ages: 21–33 |
Nonsense sequences of three syllables that varied by syllabic frame complexity | “**.**.**” |
Sequence complexity m | 13 (6F) Ages: 22–50 |
Sequences of three syllables that varied by sequence and syllabic complexity | “xxx xxx xxx” |
Note. F = female.
Speech stimuli in this study were whispered.