Table 3.
Mean response distances between pairs of speech-positive networks identified by post hoc hierarchical clustering of mean functional region of interest (fROI) responses.
Note. In each column, the row highlighted in yellow indicates the network with the shortest response distance from the network listed in the column heading; the row highlighted in red indicates the network with the greatest response distance from the network listed in the column heading. Values along the diagonal highlighted in gray represent the mean response distance between all fROIs within the network listed in the column heading. Above the table, a simplified version of the clustering dendrogram illustrates the nesting of speech-positive networks (branch height is arbitrary; branches within each network and those to speech-negative fROIs were eliminated; see Supplemental Material S2 for complete dendrogram). Colors in the headings indicate the approximate midpoint of the range of color assigned to regions in that network in Figure 5 and Supplemental Material S2. The asterisk (*) indicates the omitted branch to the default mode and other speech-negative fROIs. Core = core sensorimotor; Flank1 = primary flanking; V1 = primary visual cortex; dS-M = dorsal somatomotor; RPMC-midSTS = right premotor and middle superior temporal sulcus; mOC = medial occipital cortex; Flank2 = secondary flanking; IPS-dPMC = intraparietal and dorsal premotor cortex; vlOC = ventrolateral occipital cortex.