(A) Homepage of ProtMiscuity. The database can be searched using protein names, organism and target reaction. In this example, a search for the protein alpha-amylase is performed. (B) Results page. It shows all matches to the query term in the form of protein-specific cards. In this example, alpha-amylases from two distinct organisms are retrieved. (C) Information page. Clicking on one protein’s card displays all the available information about it, organized in five sections of interest. From top to bottom, left to right: a general description of the protein; the mapping of the canonic and promiscuous active sites, along with other sources of relevant information, on the protein’s sequence; information about canonic and promiscuous activities, with known substrates, products and kinetic parameters (top panel); a visualization of each available structure of the protein, with catalytic sites mapped on it; and examples of conformational diversity, plus links to relevant bibliography and other databases, as separate tabs (bottom panel).