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. 2019 Oct 18;10:2368. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02368


Descriptive scales and correlations and discriminant validity tests.

Factor N Min. Max. Mean SD P25 P50 P75 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
F1 delegation of authority 724 0.00 5.00 3.22 1.23 2.67 3.33 4.00 0.835 (0.35; 0.56) (0.62; 0.96) (0.42; 0.73) (0.50; 0.80) (0.52; 0.86)
F2 accountability 711 0.00 5.00 3.12 1.22 2.33 3.33 4.00 0.460 0.736 (0.40; 0.62) (0.60; 0.89) (0.56; 0.79) (0.43; 0.64)
F3 self-directed decision making 721 0.00 5.00 3.30 1.22 2.67 3.67 4.00 0.798 0.515 0.799 (0.54; 0.88) (0.61; 0.92) (0.67; 1.02)
F4 information sharing 718 0.00 5.00 3.35 1.27 2.50 3.50 4.00 0.578 0.745 0.713 0.856 (0.59; 0.91) (0.50; 0.81)
F5 skill development 711 0.00 5.00 2.47 1.35 1.33 2.67 3.33 0.649 0.678 0.762 0.746 0.767 (0.69; 1.01)
F6 coaching for innovative performance 722 0.00 5.00 2.81 1.26 2.00 3.00 3.67 0.688 0.533 0.845 0.654 0.853 0.740

N Cronbach’s α Rho F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6

General satisfaction 226 0.455 0.402 0.430 0.468 0.478 0.349
Intrinsic satisfaction 226 0.866 0.868 0.621 0.231 0.564 0.456 0.510 0.520
Extrinsic satisfaction 226 0.815 0.818 0.464 0.659 0.498 0.683 0.655 0.598

Descriptive results (SPSS): P25, percentile 25; P50, median; P75, percentile 75; SD, standard deviation. Correlations (based on EQS outputs): diagonal (bold), VE squared root; diagonal inferior, Pearson correlation (all correlations significant at the 0.001 level; two-tailed); diagonal superior, correlations confidence interval 95%; N = 651. Last three rows, Pearson correlation (all correlations significant at the 0.001 level; two-tailed).