Figure 2.
Candidate Anopheles coluzzii enhancers augment expression of a luciferase reporter. The six candidate enhancers from Fig. 1 were amplified from Anopheles coluzzii mosquitoes and cloned into the pGL-Gateway-DSCP plasmid carrying a basal core promoter and firefly luciferase reporter gene. The cloned candidates were tested for influence upon luciferase expression using a dual luciferase assay system to quantify luciferase activity above background, defined by the DLX negative control (horizontal dotted line). Each of the six tested candidates displayed normalized luciferase activity significantly above background (p < 0.005), thus validating the candidates as functional A. coluzzii enhancers. Each point represents an individual replicate measure of luciferase activity for the tested candidate. Bars indicate the median and 95% confidence intervals. X-axis indicates the name of the candidate enhancer according to the nearest gene (Table 1), y-axis indicates the relative luciferase activity for each measurement, expressed as firefly luciferase corrected to the renilla luciferase internal control value, and normalized for the value of the DLX negative control (see Methods).