Phylogenetic tree of the lichen photobionts rooted to Chlorella sorokiniana KX495084.1 and micrographs. (a) Concatenated maximum‐likelihood tree (18S rDNA; 26S rDNA; rbcL) of the Trebouxia photobionts. Numbers at nodes represent first the ML bootstrap support (values ≥ 50%) and second the posterior probabilities from the Bayesian analysis (values ≥ 50%). The scale indicates the numbers of substitutions per site and generated sequences are connected by color code to the corresponding micrographs (orange = terricolous lichens; blue = epiphytic lichens). The micrographs show thin sections of the lichens with their photobionts (b, d, f, and h) and images taken from the photobionts in culture (c, e, g, and i) with a scale bar of 10 μm. (b and c) Show the photobionts of Everniopsis trulla (Trebouxia impressa clade), (d and e) of Placidium sp. (T. asymmetrica clade), (f and g) Acarospora conafii and Ramalina thrausta (h and i) (both T. arboricola clade)